
Thursday Aug 15, 2019
Episode 87- Stoke the Fire Prompt #19 and Short Order Cook
Thursday Aug 15, 2019
Thursday Aug 15, 2019
For our August midmonth episode, we're proud to present our first stories we were able to PAY FOR! That's right! The Stoke the Fire stories in this episode have been BOUGHT!
These are for Prompt #19- You have two left feet... along with your right one.
"Skip Skip Hop" by A. F. Grappin (I actually am just keeping my pay in the Potcast coffers for future updates)
"Two Left Feet" by Kalila Roche
After that, we have a trio of Short Order Cook stories, one for A. F., Erin, and Theo! Thanks to Jason Goodman for the story prompts!
Don’t forget to check out our Patreon, our Swag Shop, and to leave us a review on iTunes! And please talk about us on social media!
You can submit prompt ideas, Stoke the Fire and Main Ingredient submissions, Pot Roast ideas, and Short Order Cook ideas at themeltingpotcast@gmail.com or check themeltingpotcast.com/submissions for info.
Promo- The Case of the Scarlet Starlet by James Silverstein
Bumper- Tee Morris

Thursday Aug 01, 2019
Episode 86- The Potcast's Fifth Birthday!!!!!
Thursday Aug 01, 2019
Thursday Aug 01, 2019
Five. Years.
The Potcast is old enough to start kindergarten. Who can believe it?! In lieu of a Main ingredient or Stoke the Fire segment, Erin and A. F. tell the story of the Potcast itself.
Then we screw with words in a Mystery Meal destroying Nathaniel Hawthorne's The Scarlet Letter. And THEN we torture Erin by Processed Food segment-ing The Song of Beren and Luthien from J. R. R. Tolkien's The Lord of the Rings.
Here's to our next five years!
Don’t forget to check out our Patreon, our Swag Shop, and to leave us a review on iTunes! And please talk about us on social media!
You can submit prompt ideas, Stoke the Fire and Main Ingredient submissions, Pot Roast ideas, and Short Order Cook ideas at themeltingpotcast@gmail.com or check themeltingpotcast.com/submissions for info.
Promo- Criminal from Birth by A. F. Grappin

Monday Jul 15, 2019
Episode 85- Chef's Table- Dynamic Voice Acting
Monday Jul 15, 2019
Monday Jul 15, 2019
Erin suggested Dynamic Voice Acting as a panel for Balticon and as a result, got to moderate it. Featuring Veronica Giguere, Tee Morris, Starla Huchton, and A. F. Grappin as vocal artists, the panel discusses interpretation when only voice is used.
Thanks to our amazing patreon backers, we are now able to PAY WRITERS! Starting August 1, 2019, Stoke the Fire and Main Ingredient authors will receive a small payment when their story airs! More reason to send us stuff!
Don’t forget to check out our Patreon, our Swag Shop, and to leave us a review on iTunes! And please talk about us on social media!
You can submit prompt ideas, Stoke the Fire and Main Ingredient submissions, and Short Order Cook ideas at themeltingpotcast@gmail.com or check themeltingpotcast.com/submissions for info.

Monday Jul 01, 2019
Monday Jul 01, 2019
There’s some sort of construction going on in the Disaster Kitchen, but that won’t stop us from bringing you a meal’s worth of content!
We start with a ducky Main Ingredient story.
The Chosen One by Christopher Michael
One wizard is determined to find the chosen one who will save the world from evil. But the chosen one who has been found… isn’t exactly the one she would have chosen.
Special thanks to A.F.’s brother Tony Grappin for being a special guest voice actor!
We follow that with A Little Seasoning with Nobilis Reed: author, podcaster, and more!
Finally, our Patreon backer and official Saucier Spence has chosen the Mystery Meal for this episode: the opening text crawls from Star Wars episodes 1-8!
And last but not least, Prompt #19 is closed. Introducing Prompt #21- You found a star that actually grants wishes.
Fluff a Duck from https://filmmusic.io:
"TITLE" by Kevin MacLeod (https://incompetech.com)
Licence: CC BY (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/)
Don’t forget to check out our Patreon, our Swag Shop, and to leave us a review on iTunes! And please talk about us on social media!
You can submit prompt ideas, Stoke the Fire and Main Ingredient submissions, Pot Roast ideas, and Short Order Cook ideas at themeltingpotcast@gmail.com or check themeltingpotcast.com/submissions for info.
Promo- Criminal from Birth by A. F. Grappin
Bumper- Author Keith R. A. DeCandido

Saturday Jun 15, 2019
Episode 83- Chef's Table- You Can't Shop at Target on Middle Earth 2019
Saturday Jun 15, 2019
Saturday Jun 15, 2019
We recently played 2018's panel of the same name. This year, it was new panelists and a totally different discussion. Great new information and insight. Enjoy!

Saturday Jun 01, 2019
Episode 82 - LIVE at Balticon 53
Saturday Jun 01, 2019
Saturday Jun 01, 2019
We were LIVE at Balticon 53 on Friday, May 24, 2019 at 8pm Eastern. To a crowd of pairs and pairs of people, A. F. and Erin were joined by voice actors/podcaster/creatives Tee Morris, Philippa Ballantine, and Spence Spencer to bring you a Main Ingredient story by none other than Potcast Word Chef Keith Hughes. “Double Trouble” was based on Prompt #18- You are informed via phone that your SO has been in an accident. They are standing right next to you.
Afterwards, the crowd participated in a live Mystery Meal based on Edgar Allen Poe’s “The Raven.”
And finally, the crowd got to play a Processed Food guessing game. A. F. read the translated version of a certain song, with the audience guessing. What’s worse, after the game, Tee Morris read a SECOND translated version that was just horrible.
A. F. and Erin also had the honor of announcing Spence as the first Patreon backer to achieve a year at a high tier backing, earning her the official Disaster Kitchen title of Saucier!
Don’t forget to check out our Patreon, our Swag Shop, and to leave us a review on iTunes! And please talk about us on social media!
You can submit prompt ideas, Stoke the Fire and Main Ingredient submissions, Pot Roast ideas, and Short Order Cook ideas at themeltingpotcast@gmail.com or check themeltingpotcast.com/submissions for info.

Wednesday May 15, 2019
Episode 81- Chef's Table- You Can't Shop at Target on Middle Earth
Wednesday May 15, 2019
Wednesday May 15, 2019
We’re preparing for Balticon 2019, but we still have one little bit of enjoyment from Balticon 2018 to throw into your ears.
“You Can’t Shop at Target in Middle Earth” is a panel about figuring out just what resources your characters have access to in worlds that are vastly different from our own. Your character wearing wool? Where are the sheep? If it’s dyed, where did that come from, and how expensive is it? If they’re wearing armor, where did the ore come from? Where is the smith who forged it, the craftsman who shaped it? Where was the wheat, barley, or other grains of their food grown?

Wednesday May 01, 2019
Episode 80- Main Ingredient "Before Breakfast" and Food Critic
Wednesday May 01, 2019
Wednesday May 01, 2019
Our 80th episode! At least in numbers. We're getting awfully close to that legendary 100th episode. BUT we aren't going to reach that mythical number if we don't get more submissions in. PLEASE check out our submissions and prompts pages!
In this one, we bring a Main Ingredient story from the mind of Doc Coleman and his Crackle and Bang (The Perils of Prague) universe.
"Before Breakfast"- Lord Richard demonstrated some odd talent with firearms during an incident in Prague. Titania Bang and Tinka are trying to figure out just what talents he has.
We follow up with a Food Critic segment where A.F. discusses The Magister Trilogy (Feast of Souls, Wings of Wrath, Legacy of Kings) by C.S. Friedman.
Don’t forget to check out our Patreon, our Swag Shop, and to leave us a review on iTunes! And please talk about us on social media!
You can submit prompt ideas, Stoke the Fire and Main Ingredient submissions, Pot Roast ideas, and Short Order Cook ideas at themeltingpotcast@gmail.com or check themeltingpotcast.com/submissions for info.
Promo- Nostalgia Pilots
Bumper- John Walker, author of The Statford Chronicles

Monday Apr 15, 2019
Episode 79- Stoke the Fire Prompt 18 and Mystery Meal
Monday Apr 15, 2019
Monday Apr 15, 2019
We're in hectic preparing-for-Balticon mode, but that doesn't mean we can't still serve up a hearty word meal!
Erin and A.F. start off with a pair of Stoke the Fire stories based on prompt #18- You are informed via phone that your SO has been in an accident. They are standing right next to you.
"An Evening Conversation" by Jason Goodman (this also touches on like 5 other prompts, knowing Jason)
"Redux One - Six" by David "Doc Blue" Wendt
We follow up with a nice Mystery Meal, featuring a cameo from the littlest Junior Chef. This is from The Call of the Wild by Jack London.
Don’t forget to check out our Patreon, our Swag Shop, and to leave us a review on iTunes! And please talk about us on social media!
You can submit prompt ideas, Stoke the Fire and Main Ingredient submissions, Pot Roast ideas, and Short Order Cook ideas at themeltingpotcast@gmail.com or check themeltingpotcast.com/submissions for info.
Promo- The Perils of Prague by Doc Coleman
Bumper- Author Charlie Brown

Monday Apr 01, 2019
Episode 78 - Botched Recipes and A Little Seasoninng
Monday Apr 01, 2019
Monday Apr 01, 2019
Okay, we're back on track.
And yet A.F. still isn't back in the kitchen. So Grillmistress Erin is serving up another helping of Botched Recipes. She follows it up with A Little Seasoning with authors/streamers/podcaster Pip Ballantine and Tee Morris!
Prompt #18 is now closed. And now opening is:
Prompt #20- The forecast called for heavy snowstorms, but what's falling from the sky is NOT snow.
Don’t forget to check out our Patreon, our Swag Shop, and to leave us a review on iTunes!
You can submit prompt ideas, Stoke the Fire and Main Ingredient submissions, Pot Roast ideas, and Short Order Cook ideas at themeltingpotcast@gmail.com or check themeltingpotcast.com/submissions for info.
Promo- Nostalgia Pilots
Bumper- Philippa Ballantine