
Sunday Mar 17, 2019
Episode 77- Chef's Table- Improving Your Readings
Sunday Mar 17, 2019
Sunday Mar 17, 2019
Gah! Sorry this episode is late. A.F. and Erin had a hectic weekend that got in the way. But better late than never, right?
We bring you an amazing workshop recording from Balticon 2018: Improving Your Reading. Erin ran the workshop, keeping things in order as narrators helped authors discover new ways to make reading their works better!
Don’t forget to check out our Patreon, our Swag Shop, and to leave us a review on iTunes!
You can submit prompt ideas, Stoke the Fire and Main Ingredient submissions, Pot Roast ideas, and Short Order Cook ideas at themeltingpotcast@gmail.com or check themeltingpotcast.com/submissions for info.

Friday Mar 01, 2019
Episode 76- Botched Recipes, A Little Seasoning, Mystery Meal
Friday Mar 01, 2019
Friday Mar 01, 2019
A. F. is out of the kitchen so Erin is serving up some Botched Recipes! Authors Chris Lester and Charlie Brown get some mentions in this set of bloopers!
After that, A. F. (who still isn't in the kitchen) interviews author Hugh J. O'Donnell in A Little Seasoning. Apologies for some audio issues on A. F.'s end.
And finally, we Mystery Meal up some more Shakespeare! This time, it's poor King Lear getting the treatment.
The Melting Potcast is OPEN to submissions and needs YOUR help! Main Ingredient stories (up to 5000 words) and Stoke the Fire stories (up to 1500 words and based on one of our prompts) are needed, badly!
Don’t forget to check out our Patreon, our Swag Shop, and to leave us a review on iTunes!
You can submit prompt ideas, Stoke the Fire and Main Ingredient submissions, Pot Roast ideas, and Short Order Cook ideas at themeltingpotcast@gmail.com or check themeltingpotcast.com/submissions for info.
Promo- Best Served Cold by John G. Walker
Bumper- Scott Roche

Friday Feb 15, 2019
Friday Feb 15, 2019
We love you!
Okay, now that the sappy Valentine's Day stuff is past... we're bringing you MORE!
We start with a Main Ingredient story by David "Doc Blue" Wendt
The Ostinato Cafe is full, and there are couples at every stage in their life sharing this special night. But something more makes it even more meaningful than any of them realize.
We follow that with some Processed Foods, where your crew has destroyed famous love poems by putting them through multiple layers of Google Translate!
The Melting Potcast is OPEN to submissions and needs YOUR help! Main Ingredient stories (up to 5000 words) and Stoke the Fire stories (up to 1500 words and based on one of our prompts) are needed, badly!
Don’t forget to check out our Patreon, our Swag Shop, and to leave us a review on iTunes!
You can submit prompt ideas, Stoke the Fire and Main Ingredient submissions, Pot Roast ideas, and Short Order Cook ideas at themeltingpotcast@gmail.com or check themeltingpotcast.com/submissions for info.
Promo- Yikes! Murder and Stuff
Bumper- Nutty Nuchtchas
Evening Touching Moments One - Pulse Kevin MacLeod (incompetech.com)
Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0

Friday Feb 01, 2019
Friday Feb 01, 2019
We kick off February with a three-course meal for your ears! Start out with Main Ingredient story "The Jewel of Lir's Hammer" by Laura Nicole.
Winifred wakes up, remembering only an explosion, to discover the ship she's been living on has been taken by pirates. Now outed as a woman, how is she going to keep her life in her own control?
We follow the story with A Little Seasoning with the author herself, Laura Nicole. A. F. and Laura Nicole (aka Spence) discuss the story as well as audio narration and audiobook production.
Finally, we torture Dishboy Theo with another Mystery Meal, destroying a scene from Tarzan of the Apes by Edgar Rice Burroughs.
The Melting Potcast is OPEN to submissions and needs YOUR help! Main Ingredient stories (up to 5000 words) and Stoke the Fire stories (up to 1500 words and based on one of our prompts) are needed, badly!
Don’t forget to check out our Patreon, our Swag Shop, and to leave us a review on iTunes!
You can submit prompt ideas, Stoke the Fire and Main Ingredient submissions, Pot Roast ideas, and Short Order Cook ideas at themeltingpotcast@gmail.com or check themeltingpotcast.com/submissions for info.
Promo- Empire of Bones by Terry Mixon
Bumper- P. C. Haring
Evening Melodrama Kevin MacLeod (incompetech.com)
Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0

Tuesday Jan 15, 2019
Episode 73- Chef's Table- Balticon 2018- Pitches We're Sick Of
Tuesday Jan 15, 2019
Tuesday Jan 15, 2019
It's well past due, but the Balticon Bonus episodes are joining the regular numbered episodes. Also, as Erin and A. F. will being going to OTHER conventions this year, it doesn't make sense to call these Balticon episodes anymore. From now on, any convention panel episode will now be referred to as The Chef's Table.
That said, this episode's IS a panel from Balticon 2018. Editors and agents discuss "Pitches We're Sick of, and A Few We'd Like to See."
Don’t forget to check out our Patreon, our Swag Shop, and to leave us a review on iTunes!
You can submit prompt ideas, Stoke the Fire and Main Ingredient submissions, Pot Roast ideas, and Short Order Cook ideas at themeltingpotcast@gmail.com or check themeltingpotcast.com/submissions for info.

Tuesday Jan 01, 2019
Episode 72- Table Scraps, Processed Food
Tuesday Jan 01, 2019
Tuesday Jan 01, 2019
Happy 2019! We're starting off the year by cleaning the table a bit with some Table Scraps! These are Stoke the Fire stories that never got a partner in the same prompt. Plus, in this case, they're also both stories by our Head Chef!
"Red Tape" and "Seeking Kernels"
We follow that with a Processed Food segment with Dishboy Theo playing a poorly-translated Hannibal Lecter as he sizes up Agent Starling in Silence of the Lambs.
Prompt #17 is now Closed!
Introducing Prompt #19: You have two left feet...along with your right one.
Don’t forget to check out our Patreon, our Swag Shop, and to leave us a review on iTunes!
You can submit prompt ideas, Stoke the Fire and Main Ingredient submissions, Pot Roast ideas, and Short Order Cook ideas at themeltingpotcast@gmail.com or check themeltingpotcast.com/submissions for info.
Promo- Six Stories, Told at Night by K.T. Bryski
Bumper- Mike Luoma

Saturday Dec 15, 2018
Episode 71- Main Ingredient "There Arose Such a Clatter," Mystery Meal
Saturday Dec 15, 2018
Saturday Dec 15, 2018
2018 is nearly over, and this is the final episode for this year. At least, in our normal feel. Our Patreon backers will still have one more special episode just for them, so consider becoming a backer! Link to our Patreon is lower in the notes here.
A. F. is cooking solo, bringing you a Christmas magic story by Keith Hughes.
"There Arose Such a Clatter"
Something strange is going on on Ray's roof. If he weren't up late on Christmas Eve trying to assemble a bike for his little girl, he might have missed the magic.
After that, we sink into a Mystery Meal from Jane Eyre by Charlotte Bronte.
PROMPT #17 CLOSES AT THE END OF THE YEAR! You have 2 weeks left to write and submit a dinosaur story!!!
Also, we are in dire need of YOUR participation! As always, we need Stoke the Fire and Main Ingredient submissions, but we can also use suggestions for Short Order Cook segments, authors to interview for A Little Seasoning, and pretty much any other suggestions you can toss our way. Check our About Page to see what kinds of things we offer and get ideas to help! And also our Submissions Page!
Don’t forget to check out our Patreon, our Swag Shop, and to leave us a review on iTunes!
You can submit prompt ideas, Stoke the Fire and Main Ingredient submissions, Pot Roast ideas, and Short Order Cook ideas at themeltingpotcast@gmail.com or check themeltingpotcast.com/submissions for info.
Promo- The Black by Paul E. Cooley
Bumper- Michael R. Underwood
Christmas Rap Kevin MacLeod (incompetech.com)
Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0

Wednesday Dec 05, 2018
Episode 70- Main Ingredient "A Most Peculiar Bizarre Day Ever," Processed Foods
Wednesday Dec 05, 2018
Wednesday Dec 05, 2018
We almost didn't make this episode happen in time. Seriously. Things got really hectic in the Disaster Kitchen, but we managed it, and here it is!
We start this meal with a Main Ingredient story based on like... 4 prompts.
A Most Peculiar Bizarre Day Ever by Jason Goodman
Some weird rain has brought a bunch of crazy people into the hospital, and Jay is just plain out having a rough day.
We chase that with a Processed Foods segment including a mangled version of Valerie's letter from the movie V for Vendetta. You want to listen to this one, folks. Erin had a tough time keeping it together.
Reminder that Prompt #17 closes at the end of the year!
Also, we are in dire need of YOUR participation! As always, we need Stoke the Fire and Main Ingredient submissions, but we can also use suggestions for Short Order Cook segments, authors to interview for A Little Seasoning, and pretty much any other suggestions you can toss our way. Check our About Page to see what kinds of things we offer and get ideas to help! And also our Submissions Page!
Don’t forget to check out our Patreon, our Swag Shop, and to leave us a review on iTunes!
You can submit prompt ideas, Stoke the Fire and Main Ingredient submissions, Pot Roast ideas, and Short Order Cook ideas at themeltingpotcast@gmail.com or check themeltingpotcast.com/submissions for info.
Promo- Mental Graffiti by Scott E Pond
Bumper- Chris Lester
March of the Spoons Kevin MacLeod (incompetech.com)
Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0

Saturday Dec 01, 2018
Episode 88- Stoke the Fire Prompt 20, Processed Food, Mystery Meal
Saturday Dec 01, 2018
Saturday Dec 01, 2018
Lots of fun new stuff this episode! We are still getting used to actually being able to PAY WRITERS, so thanks again to our amazing Patreon backers (who are also getting this episode FOUR days early) for helping to make this possible!
So they get a head start hearing the two Stoke the Fire stories we have for Prompt #20- The forecast called for heavy snowstorms, but what's falling from the sky is NOT snow.
"Like Falling Snow" by Christopher Michael
"One Particulate Day" by Shannon Brodbeck
After that, Erin puts on her semi-dramatic chops for a Processed Food segment where we make a serious monologue from Requiem for a Dream much more absurd.
And finally, Theo reads a Mystery Meal YOU helped create, making Edgar Allen Poe's The Murders in the Rue Morgue even more confusing.
Oh, and by the way... NEW LOGO! Patrons helped fund that as well as our other new merchandise art (Butts on Trees and Do the Dhreuga) so special thanks again!
Don’t forget to check out our Patreon, our Swag Shop (featuring all that new artwork), and to leave us a review on iTunes! And please talk about us on social media!
You can submit prompt ideas, Stoke the Fire and Main Ingredient submissions, Pot Roast ideas, and Short Order Cook ideas at themeltingpotcast@gmail.com or check themeltingpotcast.com/submissions for info.
Promo- Mental Graffiti by Scott E. Pond
Bumper- Nobilis Reed

Thursday Nov 15, 2018
Balticon Bonus Episode 21 - Cold Reads LIVE!
Thursday Nov 15, 2018
Thursday Nov 15, 2018
What? A live episode of another pod/vodcast on the TMP feed? Yes. Yes it is.