
Friday Jun 01, 2018

Tuesday May 15, 2018
Balticon Bonus Episode 18- Why the Storyteller Needs a Narrator
Tuesday May 15, 2018
Tuesday May 15, 2018
The Disaster Kitchen has reopened, and we're preheating with the last panel we had from Balticon 51 last year.
Why the Storyteller Needs a Narrator- a discussion about giving your narrative a voice.
As in vocal performer. This is about putting your work in audio. Also, Erin and A. F. were both ON the panel, along with some other staggeringly amazing voice artists and writers with amazing perspectives!
Don’t forget to check out our Patreon, our Swag Shop, and to leave us a review on iTunes!
You can submit prompt ideas, Stoke the Fire and Main Ingredient submissions, Pot Roast ideas, and Short Order Cook ideas at themeltingpotcast@gmail.com or check themeltingpotcast.com/submissions for info.

Sunday Apr 01, 2018
Sunday Apr 01, 2018
April kicks off with a rather poignant Main Ingredient story.
"The Orb of Sakmip" by David Wendt
Sakmip's new president seems a little too attached to the relic meant to remind him how not to govern...
We follow that with a new Short Order Cook segment, in which Dishboy Theo details an...interesting week.
Finally, we close with a Food Critic segment. A. F. reviews A Natural History of Dragons by Marie Brennan. Spoiler alert: 5 spoons!
Prompt #14 is now closed. Introducing prompt #16- The sounds on top of the roof suddenly stopped.
Don’t forget to check out our Patreon, our Swag Shop, and to leave us a review on iTunes!
You can submit prompt ideas, Stoke the Fire and Main Ingredient submissions, Pot Roast ideas, and Short Order Cook ideas at themeltingpotcast@gmail.com or check themeltingpotcast.com/submissions for info.
Promo- The Casebook of Esho St. Claire by Scott Roche
Bumper- John Walker, author of The Statford Chronicles
Music- "Black Vortex" Kevin MacLeod (incompetech.com)
Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0 License

Thursday Mar 15, 2018
Episode 59- Botched Recipes, Short Order Cook
Thursday Mar 15, 2018
Thursday Mar 15, 2018
You know what we haven’t done in a while? Given our head Chef a vacation. So Grillmistress Erin gets the kitchen to herself for this midmonth episode, and of course, you’re getting some Botched Recipes!
Follow that up with another installment of our new Short Order Cook segment, and that sounds like a good time to us!
Bumper- Mike Luoma
Promo- Mistletoe Radio

Thursday Mar 01, 2018
Thursday Mar 01, 2018
This whole episode is a huge mess. The Dish Boy greets you, which is bad enough... and everything just kinda goes downhill from there. But the high points...
"Countdown" by Scott Roche
Barry has years left of indentured servitude as a delivery man. But one particular package may be his own deliverance.
After that, we introduce our new Short Order Cook segment. A. F. has 5 minutes to plan and tell a story. The challenge came from Word Chef Jason Goodman...and A. F. did NOT see this one coming.
Finally, we tear apart Jane Austen's Pride and Prejudice in an all-new Mystery Meal!
Don’t forget to check out our Patreon, our Swag Shop, and to leave us a review on iTunes!
You can submit prompt ideas, Stoke the Fire and Main Ingredient submissions, Pot Roast ideas, and Short Order Cook ideas at themeltingpotcast@gmail.com or check themeltingpotcast.com/submissions for info.
Promo- Mental Graffiti by Scott E. Pond
Bumper- Charlie Brown
Music- "I Can See It Coming" Kevin MacLeod (incompetech.com)
Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0 License

Wednesday Feb 14, 2018
Balticon Bonus Episode 17- Dirty Mad-Libs
Wednesday Feb 14, 2018
Wednesday Feb 14, 2018
Things get raunchy when panelists at Balticon 51 (including A. F. and Erin) turn sexy scenes into hilarious mad-libs with the help of the audience. NSFW!

Thursday Feb 01, 2018
Thursday Feb 01, 2018
It’s February, and love is in the air. So we at the Disaster Kitchen are bring you a Main Ingredient story about love…sort of.
“A Bad Case” by Charlie Brown
When Steven wakes up with a condition that was passed to him, he’s determined to find a way to get rid of it. Unfortunately, the condition, “Gnomes,” isn’t so easy to get rid of. And it’s interfering with his everyday life.
After that, we treat you to A Little Seasoning with Word Chef Chris Lester. Largely, we discuss his newly released book, The Lost and the Least, and what’s coming down the line in Metamor City.
Our final course is a Mystery Meal from William Golding’s Lord of the Flies.
Don’t forget to check out our Patreon, our Swag Shop, and to leave us a review on iTunes!
You can submit prompt ideas, Stoke the Fire and Main Ingredient submissions, Pot Roast ideas, and Short Order Cook ideas at themeltingpotcast@gmail.com or check themeltingpotcast.com/submissions for info.
Promo- The Black by Paul Elard Cooley
Bumper- Chris Lester
Music- "Teddy Bear Waltz" Kevin MacLeod (incompetech.com)
Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0 License

Monday Jan 15, 2018
Episode 56- Main Ingredient "Ears to the Ground," What Boils My Pot?
Monday Jan 15, 2018
Monday Jan 15, 2018
January midmonth brings us a new story by Word Chef Hugh O'Donnell. True to his form, it's a Main Ingredient story based on a Stoke the Fire prompt. In this case, Prompt #13- Where did the corn go?
Yes, it's a Freelance Hunters story!
When a town goes missing--the whole town--only Glory, Bingo, and Joachim seem interested in investigating and claiming the reward for finding it.
We follow it up with a What Boils My Pot? segment in which Erin extols the folly of infodumping unnecessary details. A. F.'s brain actually works on this one.
We're also introducing TWO new segments this spring! Short Order Cook and Pot Roast!
Short Order Cook- email themeltingpotcast@gmail.com (Subject Line: Short Order Cook: NAME, where NAME is the host you wish to challenge) and include a 1-2 sentence story idea. That host will have 5 minutes on a future episode to plan and tell a story based on your idea!
Pot Roast- Like a Friar's Club roast, but regarding writers, podcasters, and other storytellers. Tweet, Facebook, or email the crew with suggestions and/or roast fodder when asked!
Don't forget to review us on iTunes, and check out our Patreon and Swag Shop!
Bumper- Phillippa Ballantine
Living Voyage Kevin MacLeod (incompetech.com)
Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0

Monday Jan 01, 2018
Episode 55- Main Ingredient "World's End," A Little Seasoning, Mystery Meal
Monday Jan 01, 2018
Monday Jan 01, 2018
Happy New Year, Lexiconnoisseurs and Word Chefs! 2018 is promising some new segments from us (to be announced later this year) and of course, all kinds of new content.
But enough about the future. Let’s focus on NOW!
We have a Main Ingredient story by dear Word Chef James Silverstein.
“World’s End”
A mourning, small-town sheriff gets a visit from an FBI agent tracking down a local necromancer. Of course, it’s someone he knows. Someone close.
We follow that up with A Little Seasoning with Django Wexler (best name ever) author of The Shadow Campaigns and The Forbidden Library. WARNING: We touch lightly on spoilers for The Shadow Campaigns, but it is broad. Highly recommend those books, though.
Finally, we have a delightful Mystery Meal, tearing up a scene from Of Mice and Men by John Steinbeck. Cameo by the littlest Junior Chef.
Prompt #13 is now CLOSED. Introducing Prompt #15!
There is an expiration date for your birth certificate. It's only a few days away.
Don't forget to review us on iTunes, and check out our Patreon and Swag Shop!
Promo- Starsigns by A. F. Grappin
Bumper- Django Wexler
Music- Oppressive Gloom Kevin MacLeod (incompetech.com)
Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0

Monday Jan 01, 2018
Monday Jan 01, 2018
We start this meal with a Main Ingredient story based on like... 4 prompts.
A Most Peculiar Bizarre Day Ever by Jason Goodman
Some weird rain has brought a bunch of crazy people into the hospital, and Jay is just plain out having a rough day.
We chase that with a Processed Foods segment including a mangled version of Valerie's letter from the movie V for Vendetta. You want to listen to this one, folks. Erin had a tough time keeping it together.
Reminder that Prompt #17 closes at the end of the year!
Also, we are in dire need of YOUR participation! As always, we need Stoke the Fire and Main Ingredient submissions, but we can also use suggestions for Short Order Cook segments, authors to interview for A Little Seasoning, and pretty much any other suggestions you can toss our way. Check our About Page to see what kinds of things we offer and get ideas to help! And also our Submissions Page!
Don’t forget to check out our Patreon, our Swag Shop, and to leave us a review on iTunes!
You can submit prompt ideas, Stoke the Fire and Main Ingredient submissions, Pot Roast ideas, and Short Order Cook ideas at themeltingpotcast@gmail.com or check themeltingpotcast.com/submissions for info.
Promo- Mental Graffiti by Scott E Pond
Bumper- Chris Lester
March of the Spoons Kevin MacLeod (incompetech.com)
Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0