
Saturday Feb 15, 2020
Episode 97- Chef's Table - CSI: Fantasy
Saturday Feb 15, 2020
Saturday Feb 15, 2020
Another fantastic panel from Balticon 2019, discussing CSI techniques in fantasy (and other fictional) settings.
Announcement: We're scaling back to 1 episode a month for a bit while we're working on house prep and moving and such. Once we triumphantly return to our regular scheduling, we hope to have big improvements to the Potcast. Thanks for bearing with us during this transition!

Wednesday Jan 15, 2020
Episode 96- Chef's Table- Muse ON!
Wednesday Jan 15, 2020
Wednesday Jan 15, 2020
A. F. and Erin got invited onto an Inside the Actors' Studio-like interview show run by creative enabler Sue Baiman. At Balticon 2019, our Head Chef and Grillmistress held nothing back and spilled all.
Don’t forget to check out our Patreon, our Swag Shop (featuring all that new artwork), and to heart us on Spotify! And please talk about us on social media!
You can submit prompt ideas, Stoke the Fire and Main Ingredient submissions, Pot Roast ideas, and Short Order Cook ideas at themeltingpotcast@gmail.com or check themeltingpotcast.com/submissions for info.

Wednesday Jan 01, 2020
Episode 95- Main Ingredient "Jen of Sedgeholme" and Processed Food
Wednesday Jan 01, 2020
Wednesday Jan 01, 2020
Happy New Year!
We're back from our little hiatus (holidays kinda kicked our butts) with a Main Ingredient story from Potcast regular James Silverstein!
Jen of Sedgeholme- One young girl gets chosen by her god to stop a war.
We chase that with a Processed Food segment that tears apart probability: the whale/petunias scene from Douglas Adams's Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy.
Prompt #21 is now closed.
Now introducing Prompt #23- The dead offer you advice, though not always useful.
Don’t forget to check out our Patreon, our Swag Shop (featuring all that new artwork), and to heart us on Spotify! And please talk about us on social media!
You can submit prompt ideas, Stoke the Fire and Main Ingredient submissions, Pot Roast ideas, and Short Order Cook ideas at themeltingpotcast@gmail.com or check themeltingpotcast.com/submissions for info.
Promo- Nostalgia Pilots
Bumper- Django Wexler

Sunday Dec 01, 2019
Episode 94- Stoke the Fire Prompt #21 and Processed Food
Sunday Dec 01, 2019
Sunday Dec 01, 2019
How is it December already?
Well, I hope it means you're hungry, because we have a light, delicious meal for you. We'll start with a pair of Stoke the Fire stories based on Prompt #21: You found a star that actually grants wishes!
"Sealed with a Kiss" by Christopher Michael
"WishStar" by Quinn Grey
And after that, we present you with a deconstructed and reconstructed monologue in our Processed Food segment. Dish Boy Theo reads the V speech from V for Vendetta, doing absolutely no justice to Hugo Weaving at all.
Don’t forget to check out our Patreon, our Swag Shop (featuring all that new artwork), and to heart us on Spotify! And please talk about us on social media!
You can submit prompt ideas, Stoke the Fire and Main Ingredient submissions, Pot Roast ideas, and Short Order Cook ideas at themeltingpotcast@gmail.com or check themeltingpotcast.com/submissions for info.
Promo- Criminal from Birth by A. F. Grappin
Bumper- Nobilis Reed

Friday Nov 15, 2019
Episode 93- Chef's Table- Twitch for Dummies
Friday Nov 15, 2019
Friday Nov 15, 2019
Our November midmonth episode brings you a TMP friend and contributor's latest big triumph: a panel on Twitch for Dummies by Tee Morris, with Tee Morris, of Tee Morris.
Don’t forget to check out our Patreon, our Swag Shop (featuring all that new artwork), and to heart us on Spotify! And please talk about us on social media!
You can submit prompt ideas, Stoke the Fire and Main Ingredient submissions, Pot Roast ideas, and Short Order Cook ideas at themeltingpotcast@gmail.com or check themeltingpotcast.com/submissions for info.

Friday Nov 01, 2019
Episode 92- Stoke the Fire Prompt #20 and Mystery Meal
Friday Nov 01, 2019
Friday Nov 01, 2019
It's November (holy cow) and it's time to serve up some stories!
We have a pair of Stoke the Fire stories based on prompt #20- The forecast called for heavy snowstorms. But what's falling from the sky is NOT snow.
"On the Winds of Winter" by Christopher Glick
"Red Sky" by Christopher Michael
We follow it with a Mystery Meal destroying the opening of Rebecca by Daphne du Maurier.
And our new announcement: The Melting Potcast is on Spotify!
Don’t forget to check out our Patreon, our Swag Shop (featuring all that new artwork), and to heart us on Spotify! And please talk about us on social media!
You can submit prompt ideas, Stoke the Fire and Main Ingredient submissions, Pot Roast ideas, and Short Order Cook ideas at themeltingpotcast@gmail.com or check themeltingpotcast.com/submissions for info.
Promo- Command Decision by Terry Mixon
Bumper- Keith R. A. DeCandido

Tuesday Oct 15, 2019
Episode 91- Botched Recipes and Processed Food
Tuesday Oct 15, 2019
Tuesday Oct 15, 2019
October midmonth gives us a short and sweet episode. Grillmistress Erin has prepared some rather pungent Botched Recipes, followed by Processed Food from the film A Few Good Men.
Don’t forget to check out our Patreon, our Swag Shop (featuring all that new artwork), and to leave us a review on iTunes! And please talk about us on social media!
You can submit prompt ideas, Stoke the Fire and Main Ingredient submissions, Pot Roast ideas, and Short Order Cook ideas at themeltingpotcast@gmail.com or check themeltingpotcast.com/submissions for info.
We have an announcement coming for November! Be prepared!

Tuesday Oct 01, 2019
Episode 90- Main Ingredient- Father- and A Little Seasoning
Tuesday Oct 01, 2019
Tuesday Oct 01, 2019
Listeners, it is October 1, and have we got a story for you! We’ll start this month with an epic yet somewhat disturbing (there’s your warning) Main Ingredient story by Potcast friend James Silverstein. It’s been a long time since we had a massive cast like this, so let me start by thanking our guest vocal artists:
David Wendt, Kalila Roche, fox_magoo, Nobilis Reed, Doc Coleman, Keith Hughes, Austin Malone, Spence Spencer, Julayne Hughes, and the author himself, James Silverstein.
Father by James Silverstein
Wilbur’s career as an actor on propaganda TV show Father Knows Best seems to be going stagnant. But when sudden explosions and gunfire announce terrorists bursting into the studio, everything changes.
We follow the story with A Little Seasoning with Keith Hughes. As well as providing a voice for this episode’s Main Ingredient story, Keith is also the author of Timehunt: Borrowed Time and Timehunt: Stolen Time. He’s also a podcaster and all-around great friend of the Potcast.
Prompt 20 is now closed. Our new prompt is OPEN!
Prompt #22- You're stuck in traffic and the person next to you tells you to roll down your window.
Don’t forget to check out our Patreon, our Swag Shop (featuring all that new artwork), and to leave us a review on iTunes! And please talk about us on social media!
You can submit prompt ideas, Stoke the Fire and Main Ingredient submissions, Pot Roast ideas, and Short Order Cook ideas at themeltingpotcast@gmail.com or check themeltingpotcast.com/submissions for info.
Promo- James Silverstein
Bumper- PC Haring

Monday Sep 16, 2019
Episode 89- Chef's Table- Toxic Fans and Fandoms
Monday Sep 16, 2019
Monday Sep 16, 2019

Sunday Sep 01, 2019
Episode 88- Stoke the Fire Prompt 20, Processed Food, Mystery Meal
Sunday Sep 01, 2019
Sunday Sep 01, 2019
Lots of fun new stuff this episode! We are still getting used to actually being able to PAY WRITERS, so thanks again to our amazing Patreon backers (who are also getting this episode FOUR days early) for helping to make this possible!
So they get a head start hearing the two Stoke the Fire stories we have for Prompt #20- The forecast called for heavy snowstorms, but what's falling from the sky is NOT snow.
"Like Falling Snow" by Christopher Michael
"One Particulate Day" by Shannon Brodbeck
After that, Erin puts on her semi-dramatic chops for a Processed Food segment where we make a serious monologue from Requiem for a Dream much more absurd.
And finally, Theo reads a Mystery Meal YOU helped create, making Edgar Allen Poe's The Murders in the Rue Morgue even more confusing.
Oh, and by the way... NEW LOGO! Patrons helped fund that as well as our other new merchandise art (Butts on Trees and Do the Dhreuga) so special thanks again!
Don’t forget to check out our Patreon, our Swag Shop (featuring all that new artwork), and to leave us a review on iTunes! And please talk about us on social media!
You can submit prompt ideas, Stoke the Fire and Main Ingredient submissions, Pot Roast ideas, and Short Order Cook ideas at themeltingpotcast@gmail.com or check themeltingpotcast.com/submissions for info.
Promo- Mental Graffiti by Scott E. Pond
Bumper- Nobilis Reed