
Thursday Apr 02, 2015
Episode 11- Stoke the Fire- Prompt #3
Thursday Apr 02, 2015
Thursday Apr 02, 2015
Sorry about that prank episode yesterday, but not really. Here's our
real April episode, featuring three brand new Stoke the Fire stories
from the crew of the Disaster Kitchen!
Prompt #3- Each food in your refrigerator has a different effect on your mental health.
"A Taste of the Past" by Theo Kazmark, read by A. F. Grappin
"Interview with a Refrigerator" by Erin Kazmark, read by Theo Kazmark
"Cream of Whatever" by A. F. Grappin, read by Erin Kazmark
Promo- The Roundtable Podcast
UPDATE: There is a new audio file that has some fixes in the story "Interview with a Refrigerator." Sorry about the poor editing before!

Wednesday Apr 01, 2015
Special Episode- APRIL FOOL'S!
Wednesday Apr 01, 2015
Wednesday Apr 01, 2015
Is it a Stoke the Fire? A Main Ingredient? Something else?
You'll just have to find out!

Sunday Mar 01, 2015
Episode 10- Main Ingredient- THE BURNING LAND by Jeff Brackett
Sunday Mar 01, 2015
Sunday Mar 01, 2015
It's our TENTH episode!! We couldn't be more pleased to bring you our biggest Main Ingredient story yet: THE BURNING LAND by Jeff Brackett.
Kapin Arik and his ship, The Serpent, are traversing the seas beyond what anyone has explored before. The mystical Seer, Uson, knows that the land they find will contain treasure beyond value.
Aboard the generation ship The Armstrong, Rayland is worried about the health of their crew. Luckily for them, a habitable planet is only weeks away. Can they make it before their ship kills them all?
Prompt #3 is now closed.
Prompt #4 is still open- A company has just received an order of "Fledges". They did not order these.
And now introducing Prompt #5- Something in the bathroom is your character's spiritual leader or confidant.
Promo- I Should Be Writing (ISBW) Podcast

Saturday Feb 14, 2015
Saturday Feb 14, 2015
It's Valentine's Day, and we here in the Disaster Kitchen wanted to show
our love! So we have a special treat for you, word chefs! A Main Ingredient story that is full of... the Greek gods! We give you VALENTINE'S DAY ON MOUNT OLYMPUS by Austin Malone
Valentine's Day, and Eros is not at all pleased at having to do his job
yet again. Only Persephone, wife of Hades, can help. But how?
Special thanks to Jeff Brackett and Nobilis Reed for lending their voices!
Promo- Supervillain Corner

Sunday Feb 01, 2015
Episode 8- Botched Recipes
Sunday Feb 01, 2015
Sunday Feb 01, 2015
Erin and Theo Kazmark kick off February with another collection of Botched Recipes. Our bloopers are numerous, and we want to share them with you!
Note: there is some strong language in these bloopers.
Fans of author Sam Sykes might recognize one of his Twitter bits referenced, too.
Stay tuned after the outro for a special treat!
Promo- DOWN FROM TEN by J. Daniel Sawyer

Thursday Jan 01, 2015
Episode Seven- Stoke the Fire- Prompt #1
Thursday Jan 01, 2015
Thursday Jan 01, 2015
Welcome to a new year in the Disaster Kitchen! We're back with our last couple stories from Prompt #1- A servant gets asked to do something out of the ordinary.
"The Blunders of Lord Grahmaar Warmouth" by Martin Spernau. Find his Roundtable Podcast appearance here.
"The Butler Job" by Michael Bergonzi.
Don't forget! We've issued a challenge for the soon-coming Valentine's Day! Take either of our open prompts and baste it with love!
Prompt #3- Each food in your refrigerator has a different effect on your mental health.
Prompt #4- A company has just received an order of "Fledges". They did not order them.
Submit flash stories for our Valentine's Day episode by Jan 20! Check out our submissions page for guidelines!
Promo is for Hidden Harbor Mysteries.

Monday Dec 01, 2014
Episode Six- Main Ingredient- THE FIRST CITY by T.C. Forsdike
Monday Dec 01, 2014
Monday Dec 01, 2014
It's about time we had another Main Ingredient episode! Our story this month is THE FIRST CITY by T.C. Forsdike.
is going wrong with Wilkens's plane, and he's crashed in an unpopulated
jungle with no communications. In finding his way to the crash site, he
realizes someone has already put out the fire. And that someone is
there, waiting for him.
Special thanks to voice actors Evie Robinson, and from The Roundtable Podcast, Dave Robison!
Promo- Every Photo Tells

Saturday Nov 15, 2014
Episode Five- HIJACKED!!- Botched Recipes
Saturday Nov 15, 2014
Saturday Nov 15, 2014
It's NaNoWriMo, and A. F. has left the microphone on and unattended. Erin Kazmark has taken over the Potcast and is bringing you a bonus episode chock full of Disaster Kitchen soundbytes-- all the bad ones.
It's blooper time!
Promo- Tales from the Archives

Saturday Nov 01, 2014
Episode Four- Stoke the Fire Prompt #2
Saturday Nov 01, 2014
Saturday Nov 01, 2014
A little change of plans this month! We got a trio of Halloween submissions and just had to get them podcast!
Prompt #2- A common household object isn't what it seems.
We have three submissions:
"The World Wide Web" by Sarah Iozzio
"Vacuums Suck" by Justine Roberts read by Erin Kazmark
"Pearls" by Austin Malone read by Theo Kazmark
Prompt #2 is now closed, but we've still got two prompts open.
Prompt #3- Each food in your refrigerator has a different effect on your mental health.
Prompt #4- A company has just received an order of "Fledges". They did not order these.
Promo- Dan Dan the Art Man's Book Reviews

Wednesday Oct 01, 2014
Episode Three- Stoke the Fire- Prompt #2
Wednesday Oct 01, 2014
Wednesday Oct 01, 2014
Our second Stoke the Fire episode! Prompt #2- A common household object isn't what it seems.
We have three submissions:
"Inside" by Nobilis Reed
"The Polymer Pattern" by Julayne Hughes read by Erin Kazmark
"Cardboard Time Machine" by Scott Roche read by Theo Kazmark
Prompt #1 is now closed, but this prompt is still open, and we're opening Prompt #3- Each food in your refrigerator has a different effect on your mental health. Submit!
I also talk about NaNoWriMo and the Roundtable Podcast- (It's Episode 59, not 149 like I say in the audio. My idiocy shows itself).
Promo- The Drabblecast