
Friday Dec 18, 2015
Balticon Bonus Episode- How to Write an Effective and Engaging Short Story
Friday Dec 18, 2015
Friday Dec 18, 2015
Balticon Bonus Episode- How to Write an Effective and Engaging Short Story

Tuesday Dec 15, 2015
Book Release! Hellmaw: Blind Justice by Erik Scott de Bie
Tuesday Dec 15, 2015
Tuesday Dec 15, 2015
It's time for another book release in the Hellmaw setting of The Ed Greenwood Group imprint!
A. F. talks with author Erik Scott de Bie about his novel, Blind Justice. It's available today through amazon.com and other sites!

Tuesday Dec 01, 2015
Episode 21- Stoke the Fire (Prompt #4), Food Critic, Mystery Meal
Tuesday Dec 01, 2015
Tuesday Dec 01, 2015
It's our December episode, featuring a bagload of goodies! We start out with a pair of not-at-all-Christmas-related Stoke the Fire stories for Prompt # 4- A company has just received an order of "fledges." They did not order these.
"Fledge Invasion" by A. F. Grappin
"My Brother's Keeper" by Jrd Skinner of the Flashpulp Podcast
Then, we're off to the Food Critic segment, where A. F. tells Erin (and you!) about THE BLACK: ARRIVAL by Paul E. Cooley. It gets 4 of 5 spoons from the Head Chef.
And finally, we have another Mystery Meal! This one read by Dish Boy Theo Kazmark, it's a butchered scene from C.S. Lewis's THE CHRONICLES OF NARNIA: THE LION, THE WITCH, AND THE WARDROBE . Hold your sides.
An announcement: Prompt # 6 will close on December 31 to make room for a new prompt at the start of 2016!
Bumper- The Way of the Buffalo Podcast
Promo- EMPIRE OF BONES by Terry Mixon

Monday Nov 30, 2015
BSC Promo
Monday Nov 30, 2015
Monday Nov 30, 2015
Author John G. Walker's next book, Best Served Cold, releases in December! He asked the Potcast crew to make a promo for him. So of course, we delivered!

Monday Nov 30, 2015
Special Episode- Dragon Dreams (Book Release)
Monday Nov 30, 2015
Monday Nov 30, 2015
A. F. and Erin are joined by author Chris A. Jackson, to talk about his new book with The Ed Greenwood Group, Hellmaw: Dragon Dreams. There's a little audio warping issue a couple times, but it really only messes with a word or two. Sorry about that!
Promo- Best Served Cold by John G. Walker

Sunday Nov 15, 2015
Episode 20- A Little Seasoning and Botched Recipes
Sunday Nov 15, 2015
Sunday Nov 15, 2015
This midmonth episode has A.F. drowning in a sea of fanmail, so it's up to Grillmistress Erin to host. She brings A Little Seasoning with John G. Walker, author of The Statford Chronicles.
Following that, we had another mess of Botched Recipes.
Promo- Nobilis Erotica Podcast

Sunday Nov 01, 2015
Episode 19- Stoke the Fire, Food Critic, MYSTERY MEAL!!
Sunday Nov 01, 2015
Sunday Nov 01, 2015
Our November episode is bringing you something a little different. We're starting off with three Stoke the Fire stories, but unlike the usual delivery, we've got three stories by the same author, based on three different prompts. But all three stories are in the same series.
Prompt #4- A company has just received an order of "fledges." They did not order these.
Prompt #6- Why is everyone afraid of the mailman?
Prompt #7- Write a story featuring a member of the Potcast crew as a main character.
We give you three stories by David "Doc Blue" Wendt
"Pledge Drive- The Office of Unusual Delivery Services Part I"
"Cross Roads- The Office of Unusual Delivery Services Part II"
"Recursion- The Office of Unusual Delivery Services Part III"
Following that, we have a Food Critic segment. If you listened to yesterday's episode, you know that the first book in the TEGG imprint has just released. A. F. tells Erin about the first book in the Hellmaw setting: Your World is Doomed! Spoiler alert: A. F. gives it 4 out of 5 spoons!
last and newest segment is the new Mystery Meals segments. Our crew has
spent time on Facebook and Twitter asking for parts of speech, and
taking suggestions from you, our Lexiconnoisseurs! Yeah, we're doing
Mad-Libs. But these are for iconic scenes of classic literature. For our
first Mystery Meal, we've butchered a well-known scene from The Fellowship of the Ring
Last but not least, we are announcing our first Cookoff! David Wendt and future Word Chef JRD Skinner have challenged one another to a writing challenge. They're allowed 2500 words to write a Valentine's themed story (to be released back-to-back on our V-Day episode in 2016). And Erin now announces the characters they will be using for their Cookoff:
CRYPTOZOOLOGICAL CREATURES! Sasquatch, Chupacabra, Skunk-Ape, Nessie, etc.
Keep tuned in early next year to hear their stories and help pick a winner!
Promo- Still Water by Justin R. Macumber

Saturday Oct 31, 2015
Special Episode- Your World Is Doomed! (Book Release)
Saturday Oct 31, 2015
Saturday Oct 31, 2015
A. F. is back with Ed Greenwood, now that the first book of The Ed Greenwood Group (TEGG) has been released! That's right! Hellmaw: Your World is Doomed! by Ed Greenwood is finally available to buy! If you hadn't preordered, well, then you should go get it now! Right now! At Onder Librum, Amazon, or other retailers like this one! We'll wait.
Okay, you're back? Great. A. F. and Ed discuss briefly some of the quirks of this book before they derail into talking more about the setting, and you may even get some hints about the next books in the setting!
Keep tuned in tomorrow for our regular episode, November 1!

Monday Oct 19, 2015
Special Episode- Interview with Ed Greenwood
Monday Oct 19, 2015
Monday Oct 19, 2015
SURPRISE! A. F. speaks with Ed Greenwood about his new shared world project, The Ed Greenwood Group (TEGG)! Find all the information you could ever hope for at Onder Librum!

Thursday Oct 15, 2015
Balticon Bonus Episode 2- Podcaster Improv
Thursday Oct 15, 2015
Thursday Oct 15, 2015
Our October midmonth episode is the second of our Balticon Bonus episodes, featuring a recorded panel from Balticon 49. This time, we give you "Podcaster Improv." Not a lot to discuss here, as the panel is lengthy. Check out our prompts and submissions pages, and keep an eye on our Facebook page and Twitter feed for more details on our pending Mystery Meal segment.