
Tuesday Mar 15, 2016
Balticon Bonus Episode 5- How to Intelligently Torture Your Characters
Tuesday Mar 15, 2016
Tuesday Mar 15, 2016
We're back with our fifth Balticon Bonus episode, featuring panels from Balticon 49! This time, we bring you the How to Intelligently Torture Your Characters panel. Enjoy!
Bumper- Tim Dodge

Tuesday Mar 01, 2016
Episode 26- Botched Recipes and A Little Seasoning
Tuesday Mar 01, 2016
Tuesday Mar 01, 2016
It's about time A. F. disappeared so Erin could bring you some Botched Recipes. Not a lot of preamble on those. Time to see once again how dumb our hosts are.
Following that is an interview with the vivacious and amazing Starla Huchton, author of the Flipped Fairy Tales, the EVOLUTION trilogy, the Endure series... and a lot more. Go check out her work!
Prompt #7 closes at the end of March, so get your stories submitted!
Voting for our Cookoff Challenge ends March 23rd, so go get in your votes on Twitter @meltingpotcast and our Facebook page!
Bumper- Scott Roche
Promo- Liberty Station by Terry Mixon

Saturday Feb 20, 2016
Saturday Feb 20, 2016
Saturday Feb 20, 2016
First of all, sorry this episode is a week(ish) late. Our recording space lacked sufficient silence for us to get this episode done on time. Then work happened, so A. F. didn't have tons of time to produce audio. Lots of sorry all around.
We promised it would happen, and the day has arrived! We're here with our first Cookoff Challenge! Back in November, David "Doc Blue" Wendt challenged JRD Skinner to a write-off. Erin and A. F. laid the ground rules. No more than 2500 words. Valentine's Day love theme, and one of the main characters in the relationship had to be a cryptozoological or mythological creature. Well, the results are in, so here are the stories.
"Love Cryptoamerican Style" by David "Doc Blue" Wendt
"Heart of Stone" by JRD Skinner
YOU get to vote on the winner! Check Twitter @meltingpotcast for a poll where you can vote for your favorite, and we'll have a place you can vote on our Facebook page, as well! So yes, you can each get TWO votes! Our three intrepid hosts will announce their individual picks when we reveal the winner on April 1. Our hosts' votes also each count twice, just because we're special. Voting will remain open until March 23!
The winner of the Cookoff will win a The Melting Potcast T-shirt!
We do plan to have more Cookoffs in the future, some that are open to the public!
Don't forget to check out our Patreon. Help us make the Potcast better, and you can get some awesome TMP swag!
Bumper- Dave Robison of the Roundtable Podcast
Promo- Supervillain Corner

Tuesday Feb 02, 2016
Special Episode- Chris A. Jackson Interview- Book Release- PIRATE'S PROPHECY
Tuesday Feb 02, 2016
Tuesday Feb 02, 2016
You may remember Chris A. Jackson from our special November episode when his book HELLMAW: DRAGON DREAMS was released.
Well, Mr. Prolific Writer Man has ANOTHER book out today! PIRATE'S PROPHECY is now available!

Monday Feb 01, 2016
Episode 24- Main Ingredient- CHRONOS ITERUM by Paul K. Ellis
Monday Feb 01, 2016
Monday Feb 01, 2016
It's been a while since we've had a Main Ingredient story (not counting
our Christmas episode), so here we are with a gritty sci-fi story by Paul K. Ellis.
ITERUM- A Colonial Marshall has been exiled to a station on the far
side of the sun. His task- to assess property damage, a job that is far
beneath him. He wasn't in the best mood to begin with, so this is only
going to cause problems.
Special thanks to the author for providing the voice of a character in the story.
After the story, we have A Little Seasoning with the author himself, when Erin and A. F. chatted with him at Balticon 49!
Finally, we have a new Mystery Meal. The scene? Romeo's balcony scene monologue from Shakespeare's Romeo and Juliet. Hang onto your butts for this one!
NEWS! Our Patreon has
launched! Help the Potcast become a paying market, upgrade equipment,
and generally provide more! In return, you can get physical swag, a
bonus episode, and other rewards!
Bumper- Paul K. Ellis
Promo- MENTAL GRAFFITI by Scott E. Pond

Friday Jan 15, 2016
Balticon Bonus Episode 4- Dirty Madlibs
Friday Jan 15, 2016
Friday Jan 15, 2016
Another panel from Balticon, and this one is definitely NOT for children. The panel is Dirty Madlibs. A group of authors and podcasters have taken scenes from romance novels and turn them into madlibs live with the audience.
Among the panelists are:
Scott Roche
Laura Nicole- the Gypsy in the Attic
Bliss Morgan

Tuesday Jan 12, 2016
Mental Graffiti Promo
Tuesday Jan 12, 2016
Tuesday Jan 12, 2016
Scott E. Pond's book, Mental Graffiti, will be available for purchase at the end of January. He was kind enough to ask the Potcast crew to make a promo. And here it is!

Friday Jan 01, 2016
Episode 23- Stoke the Fire (Prompt #4) and A Little Seasoning
Friday Jan 01, 2016
Friday Jan 01, 2016
Happy New Year! The Disaster Kitchen is still up and running, bringing you a pair of Stoke the Fire stories based on Prompt #4- A company has just received an order of "Fledges." They did not order these.
"Paper Dolls" by Austin Malone, read by Erin Kazmark
"Sanguine Delivery" by Paul K. Ellis, read by Theo Kazmark
Then we close things up with a Little Seasoning from Potcast friend and Word Chef, Scott Roche. You might remember him as the author of "Hole Card" the very first Main Ingredient story we ever did. He's also had stories in a few other episodes, so you know we like him and he seems to like us.
Prompt #6 is now closed. Now introducing Prompt #8- Aliens have given you a supersense. How do you use it?
Bumper- Mike Luoma of Glow in the Dark Radio
Promo- The Casebook of Esho St. Claire by Scott Roche

Tuesday Dec 22, 2015
Tuesday Dec 22, 2015
Tuesday Dec 22, 2015
The crew of the Disaster Kitchen wants to wish you a Merry Christmas, so we've put together a trio of presents, one from each of us.
From our Grillmistress, a poem: "The Great Kringle Caper" by Jeff Brackett
From our Dish Boy, a Main Ingredient story: Do You Believe in Magic? by Briana Robertson
From our Head Chef, a pair of short Mystery Meals, two scenes from A Christmas Carol by Charles Dickens
Special thanks to our guest voice artists for the Main Ingredient story:
Dave Robison
Terrie Keenan
Paul Ellis
The two Kazmark Junior Chefs
Agent Fuschia
R. Judas Brown
Promo: Veil of Shadows by Terry Mixon
"WIsh Background" Kevin MacLeod (incompetech.com)
Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0

Saturday Dec 19, 2015
New Promo
Saturday Dec 19, 2015
Saturday Dec 19, 2015
We've got a new promo. If you've got a podcast of your own, please give us a shoutout!