
Saturday Jul 01, 2017
Episode 47- Stoke the Fire Prompt 11
Saturday Jul 01, 2017
Saturday Jul 01, 2017
We’re still on a short kitchen staff, so it’s just A. F. today. Our Head Chef brings you two new Stoke the Fire stories, based on prompt #11.
The empanadas you just took out of the oven have exploded, and something alive is emerging.
We give you
“Grow-Dee” by Brayzin Narstirius
“The Magic of the Kitchen” by James Silverstein
We hope to be back to our usual quality and content come August and our third anniversary. Thanks for bearing with us while we’re recovering from the kitchen disaster in the Disaster Kitchen.
Promo- The Case File of Esho St. Clare by Scott Roche

Thursday Jun 15, 2017
Balticon Bonus Episode 13- Writing for Audio
Thursday Jun 15, 2017
Thursday Jun 15, 2017
Erin and A. F. were panelists at Balticon 51! Here's a discussion on writing specifically for audio, also featuring Paul E. Cooley, Veronica Giguere, P. C. Haring, and Steve Lubs.

Thursday Jun 01, 2017
Episode 46- The Melting Potcast LIVE!
Thursday Jun 01, 2017
Thursday Jun 01, 2017
The Melting Potcast's first ever live show, at Balticon 51! Erin and A. F. go about their usual antics with no possibility of edits.
Start off with a Main Ingredient story by Julayne Hughes-- The Nast Pasty, based on prompt #11: THe empanadas you just took out of the oven exploded, and something alive is emerging!
Follow that up with an all-live Mystery Meal, read for once by the Head Chef! We destroy Green Eggs and Ham by Dr. Seuss!
And we took suggestions for last minute What Boils My Pot!
Promo- The Twain Shall Meet by John G. Walker

Monday May 01, 2017
Monday May 01, 2017

Saturday Apr 15, 2017
Balticon Bonus Episode 12- Dirty Mad Libs
Saturday Apr 15, 2017
Saturday Apr 15, 2017
A. F. actually got invited to be on this panel when someone couldn't show! Dirty scenes of literature are turned into madlibs with the audience's help. NSFW or small children!

Saturday Apr 01, 2017
Episode 44- Botched Recipes, A Little Seasoning, Mystery Meal
Saturday Apr 01, 2017
Saturday Apr 01, 2017
It is April Fool's Day, and there is plenty of foolishness going on in the Disaster Kitchen! Erin and Theo kick us off with some Botched Recipes sure to tickle your innards.
Follow that up with A Little Seasoning from Balticon 50, with A. F. interviewing Lauren Scribe Harris.
We close with a new Mystery Meal featuring a scene from Daniel Defoe's Robinson Crusoe. Get out your calendars for this one, folks.
Prompt #11 is now closed, so we're introducing prompt #13:
Where did the corn go?
The only limit is your imagination.
Don't forget to find us in iTunes and leave a rating and review. It really helps! Also, check out our Patreon and our store.
Erin and A. F. will be at Balticon 51, so come see us!
Promo- Weekly Podioplex

Wednesday Mar 15, 2017
Balticon Bonus Episode 11- It Takes a Village
Wednesday Mar 15, 2017
Wednesday Mar 15, 2017
A short panel from Balticon 50, It Takes a Village. While independent publishing calls itself independent, it's really a group effort with a network and family. This panel discusses building and nurturing that network so creatives aren't alone.

Wednesday Mar 01, 2017
Episode 43- Stoke the Fire prompt #9, Mystery Meal
Wednesday Mar 01, 2017
Wednesday Mar 01, 2017
Our March first episode brings us a new pair of Stoke the Fire stories. These are for prompt #9- You wake up alone at night with bite marks on your legs. What’s eating you?
We give you:
“There’s No Such Thing as Lollywogs” by Austin Malone
“Me: It’s What’s for Dinner” by A. F. Grappin
After the break, we have another Mystery Meal, with an early scene from Charles Dickens’s Great Expectations. Keep your eyes on our Facebook group and Twitter feed for prompts for the next Mystery Meal!
Also, both Erin and A.F. will be panelists at Balticon 51 in Baltimore, Maryland Memorial Day weekend! A. F. will have copies of Starsigns, which came out back in December!
Promo- Balticon.org

Thursday Feb 16, 2017
Episode 42- Cheesiest Episode Ever!
Thursday Feb 16, 2017
Thursday Feb 16, 2017
Before starting this episode, have to apologize for two things. One, that it's late. Two, we got some weird buzzing in our audio that I couldn't get rid of. At least it isn't in the Main Ingredient story. Speaking of...
CHEESE PIRATES by Chris A. Jackson
Chris has given us the honor of producing the prequel story to his CHEESE RUNNERS trilogy. Following the story, we also have a Food Critic segment for the trilogy itself. (Spoiler alert, all three books get 4 spoons!)
And we finish up with revealing the prize winner for our cheese contest of the last month and a half. One lucky winner wins Audible codes to get all three books of the CHEESE RUNNERS trilogy. Find out who it is!
Promo-Necropolis by James Silverstein
Music- Doobly Doo Kevin MacLeod (incompetech.com)
Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0

Wednesday Feb 01, 2017
Episode 41- Main Ingredient- JETPACK by J. K. Miles
Wednesday Feb 01, 2017
Wednesday Feb 01, 2017
Our intrepid trio of hosts is on vacation, but we're still giving you an episode!
We kick off with an all new Main Ingredient story.
JET PACK by J.K. Miles
All that's between me and the jetpack I've always wanted is a single bureaucrat. How could things get any worse?
Music- How it Begins" Kevin MacLeod (incompetech.com)
Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0 License
We follow that up with a Mystery Meal taken from THE PRINCE AND THE PAUPER by Mark Twain.
Don't forget about our contest for free Audible copies of the Cheese Runners trilogy by Chris A. Jackson!
Promo- MENTAL GRAFFITI by Scott E. Pond